Course code 09 73 6240 02
Number of ECTS points 5
Course title in the language of instruction
Organizacja systemów produkcyjnych
Course title in Polish Organizacja systemów produkcyjnych
Course title in English
Organization of Production Systems
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 15 15 0 30
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.60 0.40 0.00
Unit running the course Katedra Zarządzania Produkcją i Logistyki
Course coordinator dr inż. Irena Jałmużna
Course instructors dr inż. Irena Jałmużna, mgr inż. Paulina Kalinowska, mgr Anna Kozieł, prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Lewandowski, mgr inż. Katarzyna Rybińska, dr inż. Marek Sekieta
Production and Service Managemenet, Production Engineering.
Course learning outcomes
  1. The student is able to define the product and resources of a production enterprise with the indication of key product and process documentation.
  2. The student explains the essence of resource planning in production systems.
  3. The student is able to analyze material and information flows and design a product route in accordance with the principles of process management.
  4. The student discusses structural models of the production system.
  5. The student is able to use basic organizational techniques in a selected production company to analyze and evaluate processes in the production system in the context of improving their efficiency.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. Student is able to apply principles of successful teamwork, to set priorities for tasks performed individually and in group
  2. Student is able to explain and describe functioning of integrated management systems in an enterprise
  3. Student is able to apply principles of production systems organization in tasks performed
  4. Student is able to use methods and techniques of project management
  5. Student is able to solve practical problems in an industrial setting
  6. is able to apply principles of successful teamwork, to set priorities for tasks performed individually and in group
  7. Student is able to discuss, present and argue in favor of own opinions and to show respect for opinions of others
  8. Student pursues individual development by following new solutions in management and production engineering
  9. Student is able to make conscious choices to build own competences and inspires others to learn
Programme content The aim of the course is to define the basic principles of production system management and to indicate appropriate management methods and tools. The practical aspect of the course is to acquire the competence to analyze and evaluate the functioning of production systems and design changes to improve the efficiency of the company.
Assessment methods
Learning outcome 1,2 - a written examination containing open-ended questions
Learning outcome 3,4,5 - group project

Grading policies 60% of the grade for the lecture part 40% of the total score for the project part
Course content LECTURE Basic concepts. Description of the product structure and production processes (machining, assembly, logistics) based on this structure. Resource planning and project (order) production management based on production infrastructure and technical documentation and normative demand for work and material consumption. Creating logical and structural links in designing, planning and manufacturing for the cooperative and dispersed organizational structure of production processes. Examples of organization in different types of production (unit, serial, cell, product and process oriented). Structural models of production and enterprise. Basic techniques of work organisation in the design and manufacturing process. Systems of production preparation and management. Systems of production process simulation. Modelling of material routing. Principles of creating lay-out plans. PROJECT Within the framework of the project, students are to analyze and evaluate the production system they have chosen and identify the processes requiring improvement. On this basis, they are to develop a project of changes using the methods and techniques known to improve processes in production systems. Project conducted with the use of skills related to the use of electronic databases of scientific texts, the use of bibliographic description principles in footnotes and the attachment bibliography, the use of group work tools over texts and the application of copyright law.
Basic reference materials
  1. Lewandowski J., Plinta D., Skołud B.: Organizacja systemów produkcyjnych. PWE. Warszawa, 2013
  2. Lewandowski J., Planowanie w przedsiębiorstwie, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2002
Other reference materials
  1. Muhleman i inni, Zarządzanie. Produkcja i usługi. PWE, Warszawa 2003
  2. Wróblewski K., Zarządzanie Produkcją, Wydawnicwto PWE, Warszawa 2002.
Average student workload outside classroom
The project is implemented in an enterprise selected by the group
Updated on 2019-09-06 15:30:28
Archival course yes/no no